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Week 4: Bordeaux Cherry

Happy thanksgiving! Treated myself this week to Bordeaux Cherry- it was yum yum yum! Odd thing that happened while I was there this week, a lady and her friend asked to touch my hair. I complied but I warned them I was pretty sweaty so it was a bit gross lol.

I wish I could cook a turkey here but they don’t sell them in the grocery stores that I went to. I bought turkey burgers instead!

On the Monday, I had work and then I went to a Mental Health Talk held by Jamaica Mental Health Advocacy Network because it was World Mental Health Day. Their keynote speaker was Mr. Hakeem Rahim Ed. M, Ma who is a mental health speaker and advocate. He is the president and CEO of I am Acceptance Inc, Live Breath, TEDx Speaker, Author and a spoken word artist. The event began with their national anthem and prayer. Introductions were made by an individual who is apparently a local comedian that suffers from depression. He talks about Robin Williams and how important it is to take these steps in advocacy to say it is okay and it is okay to ask for help. They had spoken word pieces done by individuals and dance routines. I really enjoyed Mr. Hakeem’s talk as he

went through his personal experience from a Harvard student to being admitted into the psychiatric ward in just a year during his undergraduate degree. Mental health has touched me more and more over the years because I have many friends who struggle with it. I hope that I can always be someone that people can contact if they need a friend, a hug or a talk. After I got home I skyped with my parents to wish them happy thanksgiving. They showed me their turkey and all the guests that were at our house. A bit jealous I am – this is the first thanksgiving I have ever missed.

The other day I was craving pineapples and I went to a local man that I would always see. I asked him to give me the real price of the fruit and if he did I would always buy from him. I asked my security guard when I got home and he said the man pulled through! I’m so happy!

Yesterday night we went to Jojo’s – a diner/bar close by to my house. It was Karaoke Night and we met up with CUSO volunteers (another Canadian organization). There were around 30 of us with newly arrivals. They are so nice! They really make a family away from home and have invited us to explore the island with them. I’m super pumped!

I feel like the week has flown by! I can’t believe the weekend is here. This week is long weekend to celebrate Heroe’s day. It is to honour the 7 heroes in Jamaica: Paul Bogle, Sir Alexander Bustamante, Marcus Garvey, George William Gordon, Norman Manley, Nanny of the Maroons and Samuel Sharpe. These awards are given to individuals who have served in the most distinguished nature to the nation.

We are heading off to Ocho Rios tomorrow to see what kind of celebrations there are!

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