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Random Explorations and Cravings

I think what is most important about being in another a country is really immersing yourself in your surroundings. I really love my suitemates because they are okay with my crazy adventuring temptations. I’m not doing anything crazy or stupid, but I simply ask them to take a walk with me for dinner where we end up getting lost or walking for half an hour in the wrong direction. The best is that we do it together and just relax.

So far on my random explorations, I have found my favourite ice dessert store that sells traditional cold desserts, a dumpling man that makes the juiciest meat balls, a high school where everyone runs and plays soccer and barbeque pork. Oh man- barbecue pork is also known as Chia Siu and it is my most favourite thing in the world. I love the taste of the meat and it goes well with everything. I do not lie when I say I could eat it every single day. I actually was hunting for this because I have basic reading level in Mandarin and would not be able to read a menu. I rely on what I see customers are eating and what the photos show. I was so happy that one day, I randomly walked around for dinner and found my barbecue pork. My suitemates know how much I am in love with it haha. On a side note, P and I found IKEA after work! We had a massive cravings for some meatballs and mashed potatoes! No regrets there.

I know I ramble a lot in these blog posts but I am so thankful for this experience. I am learning so much every single day about the Taiwan health care system and the social/personal determinants that make them who they are. Its interesting to see how different life is on the other side of the world.

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