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5 years later...Graduation!

Alas I have officially graduated from University! After 5 years and countless courses, tests, papers, and exams- I have graduated from the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario with a Bachelors of Honours Specialization in Health Sciences + Dean’s Honour’s + Global Engagement Honour. As the fourth and last child in the family to graduate, my parents hit their milestone of having each of us hold a higher education than high school. I am very happy to have accomplished what I did at UWO. I have absolutely no regrets and I strongly believe that I did everything I could to have the best student experience and deeply enjoy my undergraduate years.

Today at the Health Studies Reception, I had the opportunity to give a speech. I reflected back on the memories my student body and I shared. I thought about the first day of class where I sat in Personal Determinants of Health with Dr. Polzer and was terrified to the max with a class of 500. I felt like a small fly on the wall but when I went home that day, I knew I had to make a presence and not let these years zoom by.

I had the opportunity to be on countless student extra-curricular activities, volunteer groups, events, activist forums and conferences. I worked in many different departments at UWO and thoroughly enjoyed the summers living in the beautiful city of London. I am the most proud of my accomplishments within my own program at the School of Health Studies where I was elected as President for two years with an amazing group of people who helped me achieve all the dreams I wished the program to become. I am sad to leave UWO but this university has given me the best 5 years I could ask for.

UWO is my home and it always will be. I know in the back of my mind that if I went to another school for further education, I will always be comparing it to UWO. This university made a huge impact on my personal and social life. It is my family. I am so thankful for every person I saw today, all the friends and family that came out to celebrate this special day with me.

Now that I am done, I am constantly bombarded with the same question- What are you doing next year? As a person who is thought to have her life together, I find when I tell people I don’t know, I get a very disappointed look. I’ve learned since my 3rd year (as we start getting the question around then) to simply ignore it. Take it day by day, hour by hour, and minute by minute. There is no set agenda in my life. I know I want to hold a PhD eventually but I have not chosen a specialty. I am still learning every day from my peers, my professors and my workplace. My eventual goal is to work in a career path dealing with international health.

How will I get there? Only time will tell.

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