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TTT Banquet

We're done!

3 months of hard work with Taiwanese, English, Mandarin and countless adventures.

TTT Banquet is the final part of our internship where we are required to attend. I invited my coworkers to be my "parents" because I knew my family members would not be attending from TaiChung. It was kind of funny because I said they were my mom and uncle even though they are only a little bit older than me. We had a great delicious meal but since we arrive late, we had to sit very close to the back and missed a lot of the performances. Well we saw it- but from a big screen haha!

It was great to see everyone because we had just finished the final conference where we all spoke of our work in the internship. We were being graded on this presentation as mentioned before so it was scary. Now we get to relax! We're actually all going out after this. My group didn't win but S from our house did and we are happy for him! He deserves it and his group is great! I learned a lot in this internship, more than I ever thought I would. I am impressed with myself on how much I learned about myself, my culture and how I worked to overcome the barriers and challenges I was faced. This internship made me realize how much I love learning about culture and want to pursue a career in international health. I believe that with this experience, I truly am happy with my decision to stay a fifth year. The courses I am going to take are going to be amazing. I am very excited for my career prospects and hope I will meet some of the TTT interns I met in these 3 months somewhere in the future again in the workforce.

It is sad to say goodbye to all the friends and faces I met at TTT but with social media now, we are always connected. This is something that I will always have in common with them and I know wherever we go, we will look back and just enjoy the memories we shared together. I don't know if I will see everyone again because I do live in Canada but like I posted in another blog entry, anything is possible.

Wherever we are, wherever we go- have the support of your friends and you will grow. I love you all and it has been great. Always feel free to drop a hi and never say goodbye because we're always there when we need each other!

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